Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Miles has decided that his new favorite breakfast is eggs. He is a bit sad that I have limited him to 2 eggs each morning.

Somewhere along the line, he learned about cholesterol and that has been a great concern of his recently. Almost every day he asks, "Is there a lot of cholesterol in this?" Over the weekend he thought maybe he should be tested to see if his cholesterol is high. I flippantly commented that it had been at least 8 years since he was tested. His eyes lit up and he asked, "So did you have me tested as a baby?" He was very sad when I laughed and answered no.

This morning Miles decided to read the nutrition label on the egg carton and exclaimed, "Oh my, one egg is 79% of your daily cholesterol!" Now he understands why I limit him to 2 eggs a day. But, he is even more we should have him tested so he doesn't have a heart attack! The compromise to this new revelation was that I promised next time he is at the doctor we will ask why children aren't tested or have heart attacks.

On the flip side, Maria has one or two servings of oatmeal almost every morning for breakfast. If only there was a way to pool their blood and divide the cholesterol in half...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A dietician who goes to our church (and is serving healthy meals to the Lenten classes) said last week that the best way to handle cholesterol is to exercise. You can get by ingesting more cholesterol if you exercise enough.
